So Long February, Hello March

Through the snow, ice and below zero temperatures life marches on!

Except when it doesn’t – because we are stuck at home because of the wintery dangerous weather.

It is raining as I type this post, so maybe that’s a sign of things to come?

We are having a hard time imagining where in the world all this snow is going to go!

Even the wild turkeys are baffled by all the snow, and ran by on the other side of the road one day probably looking for some food.

The Lord has provided us with the most beautiful blue, sunny days!

That is one thing snow is good for – it makes the sky seem bluer than even possible!!

This weekend the temperatures were in the 30’s which meant we opened the windows for a bit!!

Things have been pretty normal around here!

My day always starts like this – but how fun is it when your mug matches the chapter of the Bible you are reading?!

Our normal means school. Library day. Lots of reading. Lots of games. Some tablets, once a week. Lots of eating. And lots of food prep.

I’ve been ordering lots of chapter books and the UPS man delivers them faithfully.

Blake and I consider it our “stay sane” part of the budget, ha, ha!

I have a huge list of good books that my girlfriend gave me and I am just going down the list and ordering away!

The problem is that they read them in one afternoon!

I ordered this book for me!

And have fallen asleep every night when I try to read it before bed, ahem!

We love games.

Especially new ones that sweet friends bring over when they visit.

And old ones too.

Tablet time is still on Tuesdays for 30 minutes each.

Lane, Tate, and Eliza have been such great helpers in the kitchen these days.

Train ’em up!!!

I am terrible at getting photos of all their help because it is crazy busy and I am always trying to keep one little Asian boy’s hands from constant disaster – just saying!

I have made these little “parfaits” twice now and think I am addicted!

They make a wonderful breakfast for me!

Nothing like turning this beauty into some yummy chicken salad wraps!

My grocery crew got our freezer stocked with bananas again for smoothies!

I wandered the Co-op just a bit one day and found this vegan cream cheese.

It wasn’t my favorite plain, but I will buy it again if I need it for a recipe!

Fridays are still cleaning and grocery day!

Everyone has jobs and we are fast and efficient!

And our helpers are super cute.

Especially when they wear their Daddy’s glasses.

Here is a peak at what life looks like some days.

How did my crowd get so small???

But then we had some extra kiddos for a whole day last week!

We have missed them very, very much and spending the day together was perfect!

And it called for pretty much a twelve-hour craft day, because, well, we have been stuck inside FOREVER.

Our pups are still here. And cute. And always at my side!

We have purposed LOTS of one-on-one time lately.

The Lord pricked my heart and said “YOU NEED TO DO SOME ONE-ON-ONE TIME!”

So I listened, told Blake, told the big kids, and we DID!

Grant and Lane went for errands and a snack one morning.

Made Lane’s day. And mine!

Grant and Chad went another day, but there is no photograph to prove my story, ha, ha.

Blake has also been grabbing different kiddos at different times to go with him places!

Addie and I spent a whole afternoon in town together doing all the things!

It was the sweetest.

Blake and I are still dating, of course!

When the stinking weather kept us home on a Friday night, we snuck out on Saturday afternoon instead!

Lots to talk about! It was a planning meeting of sorts!

We celebrated our 30th anniversary last week!!!!!

I sent Blake 30 texts to liven up his day!

He didn’t catch on till the end, a few minutes before he was about to block my number on his phone!

Just kidding.

Then Addie Mae made mug cakes and we ate them with ice cream and watched a show before bed.

It was the perfect way to celebrate 30 years!

No trip away this year, but maybe next year!

We are going to the home school convention in April though!

Of course we still see our favorite people!

I have been setting my phone aside on purpose when we do though, so I do not have photos of them!

Addie took this one this weekend.

Briar is getting SO big!!!!

How has the time change been for you all?

This is how we feel about it.

Even my earliest of the early birds can’t handle the time change!

So, Addie spend a whole day shopping and out and about with a friend, and this magnet is what she brought home for me.

Silly girl!!

Today is Eliza’s birthday.

We celebrated Sunday, right before the vomiting flu hit.

I know, I know.

We are SO fun!!

A post on her party will be up soon!

Anyway, I would like to point out some things about this photo.

Like the length of Eliza’s hair.

How short her dress is.

How huge her feet are.

AND that she is brushing her OWN hair.

Ok, ok, ok.

Pay attention, you all!

She is growing up fast, has gotten SO big, needs new clothes, and has come SO far.

How in the world did we ever live without these two?

February, you may have been so very cold and snowy, and March, we have no idea what you hold for us – but we are really enjoying all of our normal things, all of the people in our lives, each other, and this little nest called Twin Oaks!

We have some great plans for the weeks ahead, Lord willing!

Here’s hoping you all are enjoying these weeks and months too!!

Happy March, everyone!!