So Long March

April is here!!

The snow is almost gone.

The vomiting flu is just a bad memory.

Chad and Lane were the only ones who got sick!

The rest of us felt off for a day or so, but never got sick.

PRAISE, praise!!

God has been blessing our burdens from Him and our efforts SO much!

Eliza had a rumbly tummy, slept for about five hours and then was up, eating, and fine.

My sweet baby!

Because of illness, I stayed home with the sick ones while some of our crew headed to church that week – it’s been awhile ago now.

While Eliza slept, I learned how to cook!

Just kidding.

I know how to cook! I just like watching the Pioneer Woman!

My Dad got me hooked on this show.

Some of the kiddos love the Pioneer Woman too!

While the kiddos were sick I ran to the library to pick up our go along books for FIAR.

We studied the book Grass Sandals and read a lot of books about Japan.

It was fascinating!!

Of course a stop at the Co-op was in order. Because coffee.

I also got these while I was at the Co-op that day.

A billion dollars worth of gluten-free chicken nuggets.

You lose your mind when you have the flu in your home!

Speaking of a billion dollars, we stocked up on nuts!

Thank you very much, Uncle Sam.

A week ago Saturday was a beautiful day here in our neck of the woods!

Eliza got a fishing rod for her birthday – so there was some serious fishing going on at Twin Oaks!

This photo is of the truck that belongs to the guy who makes all my dreams come true!

He had taken Lane and Tate to Menards to get us a NEW POOL!!

I love that man.

So much!!

Remember the 357,212 photos you have seen on this blog off of our deck?

Well, that deck looked more like a giant play pen in my mind!

For one very cute puppy!

Blake told me he could make it 100% safe for Ruby to not fall off of!

I love how it turned out, and Ruby loves being out there.

We just need to teach her that it is NOT the yard!

No pottying on the deck, Miss Ruby Jane!

I had my guys put the picnic tables up too!

That Sunday we stole someone while we were at church!

I love that young man, Mr. Clyde Strength, SO much!

He was excited!

Sunday nights are what we call “snack night dinner” and time with our favorites!

Briar grows more rolls in her sleep everyday.

Isn’t she adorable??

School continues on!

I took a break from Instagram, which also gave me a purposeful break from taking photos.

I have a few though!

Like the day Chad finished his 9th grade Math book!

Algebra is up next!

I read and read and read aloud everyday!

It’s the best part of school!!

One morning during Bible time I gave a challenge!

The winner would get an ice cream sundae of their choosing before bed that night!

I will let you guess who likes to be challenged!

Especially when there is ice cream involved!

Good job, Chad!!

Wait a second – is that jelly on top of there?!

When it got above 30 degrees hamburgers and potato salad were in order!

It felt like spring, I promise.

Warmer temperatures and an upcoming trip prompted the big clothes switch-a-roo.

Oh boy.

It is a big job!

And there is a leggy sweet girl here who had nothing that fit her.

This pile all got sold at the second hand store.

We bought a huge pile for spring and summer (huge pile!) and only paid $30 for it all.

Second hand stores are my favorite.

Ruby and Sadie are loving the warmer temperatures and melting snow too!

That fluffy puppy is as cute and fluffy as she looks.

This photo just cracks me up.


Spring at big sissy’s house is the best.

Summer is even better!

The kitties are loving spring too!

Eliza is holding Clementine.

Tate is holding Misty.

Speaking of that boy, we were having some sweet friends in for dinner and he ran to get a calculator and told me he would cal-gu-gate how many seats we needed!

So much I never want to forget!!

Like this.

I know.

I’ve showed you before.

Eliza standing on a chair!

I never ever want to forget each fear, each struggle that the Lord has washed away.

She has come so far!

Eliza stopped sucking her thumb over a year ago.

She came to us one day and just told her Daddy and I that she wasn’t going to anymore!

Addie took this precious photo because they share a room and a bed.

Oh, sweet baby.

You stole my heart!!

In case you are wondering what blogging looks like, it looks like this!

Brain food, you know.


I have to show you these!

Blake brought them home for me!

They are super yummy in a salty crunchy kind of way.

Go get some!!

Ok, I think that is all.

Except for this!

A beautiful full moon!

Does a full moon make everyone in your home a bit crazy too?

It’s so pretty though!

We just got home from a big trip last night and are on a spring break of sorts!

But it is definitely not feeling like spring here!

Our calendar is packed for the weeks ahead, so I need to fire the lady in charge and hire someone else!

Lots to look forward to though, Lord willing!!!

Come one spring!!!

We are looking forward to you too!