We LOVE to celebrate the blessing of someone being born!!
This year we have minimized our expectations for birthday gatherings as our family grows, and more specifically as David and Kayla’s family has grown.
In light of that, the three youngest children and I have been heading to the farm on the day of my grandchildren’s birthdays to bring them a gift and spend some time with them!
It has been a really fun thing for us!!
We missed Clyde’s actual birthday when both us and Kay’s were traveling.
But we still headed over one afternoon to celebrate this new eight year old!
Oh Clydey, how I love your freckles and your enthusiastic personality!!!
We took Clyde a new card game and a new DVD!
What is happening you all.
This is one very precious five year old!!
Bri Bri – I love how quiet you are, until you are NOT!!
I love how much you enjoy very girly things, even with two older brothers!!
We were invited for a tea party for Briar’s birthday!
We gave Briar a fuse bead craft and they all loved it!
Even Kayla is glad they have that bead craft – even though less than an hour after they opened it, an entire container of beads had been dropped allllll over the floor.
And then it was Ellie Joy’s turn to be eight years old!!
She and Clyde are 30 days apart in age.
Ellie has the most contagious smile!!
Ells Bells, NaiNai LOVES that smile!!
I love how you love to cuddle still too!!
We gave Ellie a magnetic game!
Soon it will be Aspen’s turn in January!
She will be three!!
Time just keeps marching on!!
Even when this NaiNai does not want it to!
My sweet grandbabies – Happy, happy birthday to each of you!!!
Clyde, Briar and Ellie…NaiNai LOVES YOU EACH SO SO MUCH!!!!