Our winter has been so very mild this year so far.
We had a few beautiful snow storms, and a few days here and there of below zero temperatures, but otherwise it has not been bad!
We are starting to get peeks of what is coming!
Longer day light hours, a warmer day here and there….
I can’t wait for spring!
It was 6 p.m. in this photo –
And before 6 a.m. in this photo!
Warm days mean open windows and the basketball pole being set up!
A hint of spring brings some deep cleaning and furniture rearranging too!
We have had such a solid, consistent eight weeks of school in a row.
These kiddos are growing and learning so much and it is my joy to be a part of.
Teaching Textbooks Math has been our saving grace this year!
It is fun to work on memorization with my crew!
They hold me accountable to knowing it all too!
I love the little surprises I find on Eliza and Tate’s school pages!
Yes, I still love you silly girl!
You sure did get adopted, buddy. I am so happy you did!
These two are our school mascots.
They sleep on the job a lot, just saying.
We can get rather distracted by the things outside our school windows!
Library day is still loved by us all.
Especially these kiddos teacher!
As the days get longer our food choices turn from those comforting winter like foods to those fresh summer like foods.
I have been buying a lot of kale lately.
Can’t wait for our garden to be full of it again!
I took a quick trip to Madison with my guys one day recently.
It was a beautiful day for a drive!
We stopped for Chipotle, of course!
And then we came home to a warm meal and our youngest being loved on by our bigs.
It is always nice to let this guy hop in my van, push the seat wwaaaaayyyyy back, and drive me around to the places I need to go!
We need to finish up some night time hours and then it is time to get Chad’s license!
We are still getting outside daily!
Whether there is snow to play in or not!
I need to remind the littles that they still need warm clothes on though.
Eliza came in one day and it took us quite awhile to get the tears to stop and her hands warmed back up!
Having tea always is a nice treat after playing out in the cold.
We had some sweet friends over for a Sunday lunch – which is something very normal for us to do!
I usually do not take any photos – but they came to lunch with three baby goats AND THEY WERE SO CUTE!
Good thing we have a giant, washable play pen hanging off the back of our house!
I am happy to report that our hens Genevieve, Penelope and Matilda have not only survived winter in our garage, but have thrived as best they could in that cramped space!
I have dreams of someday getting a BIG coop, fenced area, and more beautiful hens – but for now we are very thankful for our three daily eggs!
Since the days are getting lighter earlier it seems my crew is getting moving faster!
Interesting how motivating day light is, isn’t it?
Eliza was wandering around waiting for school to start and I heard Chad tell her to get the checker board so they could play.
Super sweet!
There is always laundry.
And reading.
We are always reading!
Yesterday I was able to spend a dedicated time praying in the quiet of the afternoon on my knees in front of my favorite chair.
It was so wonderful.
Are you as amazed as I am that we can worship, study God’s Word, and come to Him in prayer any time we please?
Don’t take it for granted, friends!
It is a privilege!
I hope your March is off to a great start and you are looking for signs of spring too!
Happy March, everyone!!