We are rowing the book The Glorious Flight.
Such a fun book! We were not able to fit all the fun into five days!
Lane loves when I make him a tic tac toe board of words to listen for while I read the story. He marks them off as he hears them. SO many skills being used with this activity!
We also learned about England, France, the English channel, and made a small map book of that area. I could have went on and on with learning in these topics!
Of course there is always a stack of books to read along with the book we are rowing! Technology is a good thing when it comes to ordering library books on line, getting an e-mail from the library when they are in, and just stopping by the library to grab them from the front desk. Love that!
The planes that Louis Bleriot built he named with Roman Numerals. So we learned them! Except Lane told me I did not need to teach him Roman Numerals, because he taught them to himself learning to read our big clock in the sunroom.
We still have lots to learn about how aircrafts are built, all of there parts, the four forces of flight, some paper airplanes to make to illustrate these points…..and I have some activities to do to show how planes steer with their tails.
Should be another fun week next week of rowing The Glorious Flight!