This past week was “L” week for the littles. We had a lot of fun with the letter L! Making upper and lower case L’s with cubes, making lady bugs, and making a tree with leaves were just three of our activities.
Several times during the day I give Eliza sensory activities. She really liked finding her puzzle pieces in a bin of rice.
We work a lot of puzzles these days! And read a lot of books!
I have some new bins that Tate named the “Daddy bins.” I put all the kiddos finished work in their bin, and then once a week they grab their bin and show Blake all that they have worked on. They get so excited about this simple thing!
I also bought an eBook that is a HUGE resource for what I am doing with Tate and Eliza! It is an organized alphabetical list of ALL kinds of ABC activities and lesson plans!
I am getting ready for full-time school to start. I love planning our school year! We do not have enough room at our school table for all four kiddos and all of our stuff. Chad wasn’t liking the idea of being at the kitchen table by himself this year, so we set up a desk right outside the school room for him.
I have some really fun things planned! Lord willing we will be starting a week from tomorrow! We have a busy week ahead this week, but it still includes some school time in the mornings!
Hope you all had a great weekend! Have a happy start to your week!