Surgery was originally scheduled for 1:30, was changed to 2:30, and then it actually ended up being at 3:30.
Chad’s surgery was at the UW Children’s Hospital, which we were very grateful for because those are our stomping grounds for all things medical for Tate and Eliza.
We were all calm and relaxed before surgery – especially Chad!
The anesthesiologist actually gave Chad two options of how he could be put to sleep and our smart boy chose exactly what we would have chosen if we had been speaking for him!
While we were waiting on the surgeon to show up, I took this photo.
We were in the Children’s Hospital, after all, but it cracked me up how far Chad’s feet hung off the end of the bed!
Pretty soon the surgeon was there and he wrote all over Chad’s left arm with a marker – just to make sure they didn’t operate on his leg – he said.
Ok then!
We said our “so-longs” (where I kissed Chad’s head multiple times) and Blake and I headed out to a waiting room to eat some lunch snacks and drink our coffee that we had smuggled into the hospital inside our cooler.
They gave us a pager.
I remember this whole pager thing from Eliza’s surgery – literally a life-line to that O.R.!
They updated us only twice because Chad’s surgery was done in less than two hours.
After that second page the surgeon came to speak to us.
We learned that Chad’s injuries were worse than expected so the surgery plan had changed a bit.
We did not ask specifics, but we were told that Chad’s prognosis “looks promising.”
I headed back to Chad’s pre-op room and Blake headed to the pharmacy to get the pain meds we would need for Chad.
I noticed how beautiful it was outside while I waited!!
Pretty soon we were called back to the recovery area and were immediately told that Chad had tried to stand up and walk out of the place!
That’s my boy!
The nurse was SO tiny compared to Chad and also said “This boy is a giant – I was actually a little worried that I wouldn’t get him to lay back down!”
Chad’s hand has a new cast on it, and his fingers are all hyper extended inside of there.
Once Chad was fully awake (and not trying to escape!), they made sure he could sit and stand up and then we got ready to go!
We are SO, SO, SO thankful that amazing anesthesiologist put a block in Chad’s arm and Chad literally could not feel a thing from the elbow down.
It gave us a pain free ride home and a pain free night of sleep that night!
We got home a little after 10 p.m. to a spotless house with three bathed kiddos tucked in their beds already – all done by Addie Mae – of course, of course.
I love that girl!!
That block wore off Saturday morning sometime and Chad started those big meds Saturday evening, even though he did not want to.
Sunday was LONG.
Really long.
But every day since has gotten better and better!!!
Today, if I may shout some praise, Chad is only using Tylenol and not even needing it when it is due.
Yes, you can shout with me!!
We see the surgeon for our next follow-up on Monday.
We all are looking forward to getting through this part of Chad’s healing to get to the part where he will do therapy to teach those fingers to work again!
Things really could not be going better here.
Chad is doing SO amazing with all of this!
Thank you all for praying us through all of this!!
For checking on us!
For sending encouraging messages!
We appreciate it all!
We know for a fact that we are seeing answers to specific prayers and we are SO thankful!
Thanks so much for the update. We were anxiously waiting. Our prayers are and have been with you.
Thank you so much Aunt Ann!! We miss you and love you both!
Praying with you
Thank you, Connie. The prayers are appreciated!
So glad to hear he’s doing well! I’m praying he has complete use of it again. I’m sure his scars are going to be impressive, though!
Thank you for your prayers. Lots of therapy ahead to get those fingers working again!
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