We were expecting surgery to be scheduled during this appointment, but we have learned that medical appointments are very unpredictable – so we went with open minds and prayerful hearts.
Eliza’s x-rays were a breeze.
She is getting used to all of these appointments!
As long as I show her the photos from last time so she remembers what is being done, she is all smiles and very, very calm!
We waited a lllooonnnggg time for the surgeon.
Like two whole episodes of Sesame Street long.
Since we are on the subject of Sesame Street – did you all know that Grover now takes selfies with a smart phone and posts them?
The times have changed since the days when I saw that show last.
The doctor finally arrived and we met her for the first time.
The orthopedic doctor Eliza has seen in the past no longer performs surgeries, so we were referred to this doctor instead once we were told Eliza would indeed need surgery.
The doctor did a full exam of Eliza, and then she showed us Eliza’s new films.
We were so blessed to hear that she feels Eliza’s left hip is stable enough to let it be!
Eliza’s right hip needs to be fixed though.
We were so pleased with how much time the doctor spent with us, explaining everything in great detail so we would understand it all.
I did get a smidge emotional when we discussed the body cast that Eliza will have to wear for eight weeks.
It will start at her chest, go over her left leg to her thigh and over her right leg to her ankle.
She will also have a bar in between her legs to hold her hips open.
For eight weeks.
It just seems like too much to ask.
Of Eliza.
And of us.
So glad that we know with all our heart, mind, and soul that Jesus will be with us and will strengthen us for this hard thing that we have to do.
We are thankful that when we explained what was going on in life for us right now, and the plans we have for Septmeber as well, that the doctor would let us push off this surgery until the end of October.
So surgery is scheduled for October 25th here locally at Gundersen Hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin…..BUT…..since then I have been working the phone and have made an appointment for Eliza to be seen at Shriners Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 4th.
She will be seeing the Chief of Staff for Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and be evaluated for his opinion about surgical intervention.
Based on the phone calls I have made, we believe he will also recommend surgery, and will be scheduling Eliza for surgery shortly after that October 4th appointment.
As always, time will tell.
The reason we reached out to Shriners Children’s Hospital is a financial one.
They will see Eliza, take new scans if necessary, do the surgery and then submit it all to our insurance.
They will accept whatever the insurance will pay, and then ask us to pay whatever we can pay of the balance due after insurance, and that is all.
It is humbling to do things this way!
But it will be a huge blessing for us right now.
Back to Monday’s appointment – Eliza was SO strong and brave as she listened to all that is going to happen to her.
She asked great questions – like “Will they let me suck my thumb at this hosibul?”
And, “Can I bring the tablet to play with?”
And, of course, “Will they let me have my lovies and Sophie in the hip operation place?”
Lastly, “Daddy and you will been there all the time, right Mommy?”
Sweet baby.
Yes, yes, and yes. And YES.
Waiting for October will give us time to prepare Eliza, and to prepare our hearts as well.
It will also give us time to storm heaven’s gates with prayers about every single detail.
God cares about the details!
Our biggest prayer will be how to help Eliza cope with all that will be asked of her – because her methods of coping are jumping on a trampoline, spinning in a circle, swinging on a swing, or bouncing on an exercise ball.
None of which she will be allowed to do for months and months and months.
We will also be praying for confidence, wisdom, and strength as we move forward with our plan with Shriners Children’s Hospital.
I know the Lord will show us the way!
We are resting in Jesus.
Thank you, Connie ❤
Ahhh, Stephanie, it is so much, seemingly too much….but God. I love that phrase in the Bible. Praying for you all.
Bless you, friend. Praying for you all too. ❤
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