Call me sentimental, but I gathered some photos to take a look back at our years here – and I think it has been a very good thing for me to do!
I never ever want to forget how incredibly much the Lord has blessed our time here!!
SO many memories. SO many fun experiences. SO many blessings!
This will be just a very small peek into life here over the last seven and a half years as I reminisce!
Right after we moved here in 2009, we jumped into farm life with both feet.
We started fencing,
building chicken tractors,
putting in amazing gardens,
getting our hay cut and putting it up,
and we even bought our first cow and named him Fleck!
The next year, 2010, brought SO many good things to our farm.
It really takes my breath away seeing all we did that farming season!
We cleaned and prepared the land and barn,
and hosted the most beautiful wedding in May!
our master gardener expanded our gardens,
we canned over 100 quarts of tomato products,
we started our egg business,
we raised twice as many meat chickens,
we had kitties coming our of our ears,
we were gifted two baby goats,
our farm was constantly full of fun, fellowship and friends,
we dealt with some flooding,
and as always we enjoyed the gift of the views most of all!
The farming season of 2011 did not disappoint!
We added a new pup to our farm crew,
had 85 gals join us to celebrate Kayla’s graduation,
raised 400 meat chickens because our customer base grew,
put up endless produce from our gardens and canned hundreds of quarts as well,
added a sign at the entrance of our farm,
cleaned out a neighbor’s old barn before it was torn down and brought home a huge load of straw,
added herb garden beds,
more apple trees,
more cows,
and after prayers for a source for free apples was answered, we put up 65 quarts of apple sauce!
Believe it or not things got even crazier in 2012!
I can’t wait to reminisce about the next four farming seasons – but I think I will make that another post!
We are taking pieces of the farm with us when we move – like our farm sign and the top piece of our corn crib – but these memories are the most important thing that will go with us when we go.
I try to picture us driving away from here for the last time, and I honestly know that we will not have the grace to do so until we need the grace to do it. So I push those thoughts away, and focus on these blessed memories instead!
We can’t wait to see what is in store for us next!
Sometimes God’s BEST is in the waiting!
Waiting we are! And I want to make my Lord proud of how we waited!
Adoni Acres, you were a dream come true!
We pray you will be enjoyed by whoever comes after us as much as we enjoyed you!
Wow! So fun to look through! Blessed indeed! 🙂
“We pray you will be enjoyed by whoever comes after us as much as we enjoyed you!”
That has been my prayer for the sale of the farm. May someone with the same vision for their family come to fulfill it there!
Thank you, Tracy! ❤
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