It seems like yesterday that I held Tate in my arms for the first time and we celebrated his 4th birthday.
Our children are growing up so fast!
In Moschel style, we had a birthday bash for Tate!
They usually happen on a Sunday after church, as that is when all our favorite people are available.
Even though it was August 1st, Tate chose Creamy Halibut Potato Soup, Creamy Potato Leek Soup, a salad, rolls, and watermelon for his meal.
After that delicious spread for lunch, there were gifts.
Tate was SO excited and he said the cutest things!!
Please look closely at his expression in this first photo, ha, ha!
Tate had lots of willing helpers and these photos will be a favorite of mine for years to come!
Tate’s all time favorite thing is Culver’s French fries.
Kayla took him there one time and got him hooked!
I loved this gift he got from our friends so much – it cracked us all up!
I’m sorry….what’s that you said???
Where is the cute baby??
Why, here you go, here she is!!!
And here’s another one!!
And here’s one more!
You are welcome!!
Tate asked Addie Mae for a chocolate cake with chocolate icing.
That’s all.
Just a cake – chocolate on chocolate.
And she made THIS.
I know!!
I did not want them to eat that beautiful thing!
But that kind of defeated it’s purpose, I was told.
STUNNING, isn’t it??
So we sang a terribly off key version of Happy Birthday to Tate, and then Addie ruined that beautiful cake to give everyone some, ha, ha!
Here are some chocolate smiles to make your day.
No adults with chocolate smiles were photographed, just saying.
After all that chocolate was devoured, the kids played, we visited, sipped coffee, lounged around just BEING TOGETHER –
It was the BEST day!
It was so nice outside that in the evening we went for a long walk and to also give Tate a chance to fly his new kite that he got from his big sis Kayla.
It was one of those cool, bug free, slightly breezy, perfectly blue sky evenings – my heart was SO FULL!!
This photo gets me.
Uncle and Nephew.
Ten years old and five years old.
Best of friends.
SO, so sweet!
What a wonderful celebration of our Tater Tot!
Good food, great fellowship, a beautiful and delicious cake, a gorgeous day….
it really was so good.
Mr. Tate, we cannot believe you are TEN!
There is so much we love about you, buddy!
You are so kind, helpful, compassionate, loving, and such a people person!
We know the Lord can use you greatly!!
It is such a privilege to be Tate’s Mama.
Something I will never ever take lightly.
You are my sunshine, Tate Owen!!
Happy, happy Birthday!!!