Blake and I had talked about taking Tate along for the ride, but because he had had a fever the whole weekend before and still had cold symptoms, we decided against it.
Riding in his car seat for long stretches of time also makes Tate’s back hurt quite a bit, which was another reason to plan for his day to be at home instead.
I am getting really fast at packing for medical days!
Snacks, water, lunch, extra clothes for Eliza, her blanket and lovey, and some things to do in the van like books and the tablet.
We usually put the kiddos in the van in their pjs on these early morning travel days.
One time when we did that I forgot to take Tate’s shoes!!
Haven’t forgotten their shoes since, ha, ha!
It was SO early when Blake grabbed Eliza our of her cozy bed, but she was smiley and ready to go!
We had a dark, wet, foggy start to our travels – but soon it cleared off and the sun began to rise!
Besides eating breakfast, Eliza played the tablet and read books on the way there.
This photo really doesn’t properly show the traffic we got stuck in once we got closer to the cities.
We were almost late for our 9:00 a.m. appointment though!
No worries, we still had plenty of time to wait once we were there.
First up, waiting for x-rays!
Eliza only needed standing films and one view for this check-up – easy peasy!
Then we waited some more for our appointment time.
Eliza was strong and brave.
So was her Mama and Daddy.
We walk this fine, fine line as parents of these two precious cherubs – as in what to share about our adoption journey and what not to share about our adoption journey.
More specifically WHEN to share it – because most often Tate and Eliza are right at our side as the awkward questions and/or sometimes necessary conversations take place.
The first one to look at Eliza on Wednesday was a resident.
He was awesome!
And so good with Eliza!
But he questioned our reason for not having her surgery back in December, and if we still believed that that was the best course of action.
So I spoke up, with very carefully chosen words.
About ALL the reasons we (with Eliza’s surgeon’s agreement) had decided not to do that surgery.
Including the parts about older child adoption, bonding, attachment, regression, trauma, and how important all these things are in our decisions.
With Eliza sitting right there the whole time.
Adoption Mamas – if you are reading this, I know you understand my heart.
I have to say, I do not regret speaking up!
Eliza handled it SO amazingly well.
It also opened the eyes of a resident to things he probably never thought about, and hopefully will think about next time he sees a patient like Eliza.
Next the surgeon came in, showed us Eliza’s new films, and told us the degree of dysplasia is the SAME.
We also learned about what we will be looking for going forward that would be indicators of a greater need for surgery.
The surgeon would like to see Eliza again in ONE YEAR!!
Now that is a GREAT report!
We hopped back in the van, searched out a Starbucks (what did we ever do before Google maps??), and had a picnic lunch in the van before heading back home!
I even brought chocolate!!
Eliza played most of the way home and then she took a great nap.
Her nap gave me some time with Jesus, because I had missed my time with Him that morning when we left home so early.
Unfortunately, the crazy lady in charge of our calendar made dentist appointments the next morning at 8 a.m.
Crazy, she is.
I need to fire her.
Poor Eliza was having two buckles filled when we discovered a fistula on her gum line above one of her upper teeth.
She was not even complaining about pain, which the dentist could not believe.
Made me catch a sob in my throat to just type that.
She has an abscessed tooth and has an appointment tomorrow morning with a different dentist to have the tooth removed and a spacer put in – with some sleepy medicine, praise the Lord.
Team Eliza will be on the road again in the morning!
This dentist is only about 50 minutes away.
As always, we covet prayer!
We are SO thankful for every single one said on our behalf, and always feel the peace they afford!
The Lord is using it ALL.
Every appointment, every procedure, every scan, every time they have to choose to drink the sleepy medicine and tip that little cup to their mouths….
He is using it.
He is making them BRAVE and STRONG beyond their years.
And it is our constant prayer that as the Lord shapes these two precious cherubs this way into who He wants them to be, that He will use them mightily for His kingdom.
Give it purpose, Lord.