Eliza has been released from all of her doctors except for her urologist.
Isn’t that amazing??!!
We headed to UW Madison bright and early on that Wednesday for Eliza to have a sedated procedure to check on the function of her bladder.
Tate had this procedure as well!
Eliza’s appointment was early in the morning, so we had to leave the house by 6 a.m.
Eliza was not allowed to eat or drink anything until her procedure was done that day.
At least she was all smiles when we woke her up!
The trip to Madison was uneventful.
Eliza had ordered a “play away” from the library, which is this little device that will play an audiobook for you.
All you need is your own ear buds!
On the way to Madison Eliza was listening to Anne of Green Gables and it made the time pass quickly and kept her mind off of what was to come.
We arrived on time.
I wonder how many times we have pulled up to this hospital over the last seven years?
We waited for Eliza’s appointment to start a lot longer than we normally do, but it wasn’t bad.
We got Eliza settled into the procedure room with her blanket and one of her loveys.
I think this lovey’s name is Flash.
The child life gal came in and talked to Eliza to tell her everything that was going to happen during her procedure.
Eliza got to look at photos and see and touch the tubes and probes that they would be using while she was asleep.
This really helped her, as it had for Tate too!
We love the people at UW and there concern and care for our kiddos!!
Soon Eliza drank her sleepy meds and before we knew it the procedure was over.
Blake and I stayed with Eliza the entire time, and she did SO well!!
After that was over, we wheeled Eliza over to the ultrasound area for her renal ultrasound appointment.
Eliza calls this appointment “jelly on the belly” and she thinks it is easy peasy!
We gave Eliza a big snack and then headed to Target to let her pick a treat while Blake and I got some coffee!
Thankfully she had her balance back once we got to Target as all the sleepy medicine had finally worn off.
Of course we stopped at Chipotle for lunch before the drive home.
The drive home went well.
Eliza slept some and I think I did too.
It was so good to be home again!
This is how Blake and I feel after long medical days – like we can’t get up off the floor – ha, ha!
It is always so sweet after we have a long day in Madison to see Tate and Eliza back together again.
They are ALWAYS better together!
Tate and Eliza’s sedated procedures were SO easy this time.
What a HUGE change from years past!!
They were calm, easy to reason with, didn’t cry or fight through the procedure, and were just shining such a bright light to everyone they met!!
Blake and I were not really shocked to see the difference that has come with their growth and maturity, but we had not thought that it would be that easy!
SO thankful.
It is very hard to put your precious children through so much medically.
But we know that the Lord can use ALL of this for their good and for His glory.
We tell Tate and Eliza that truth all of the time, and try to teach them that their responses to what the Lord brings into their life is really what matters to Him the most.
I’m a proud Mama!
I’m also a thankful Mama because both Tate and Eliza had great results from all of their check-ups!
NO MORE SEDATED PROCEDURES in their near futures!!
That was so great to hear and even better to tell them!
They both go back for “jelly on the belly” and to see their urologist in one year.
We can’t stop praising the Lord for their great results and their stability!!
Praise the Lord with us!!