We have piggybacked all of Tate and Eliza’s appointments that we can, so they both had an appointment with urology.
They also both had ultrasounds done earlier this month to check on their bladder and kidneys.
Their appointments went very well! All is stable! Those are great words to hear!
We were also told by the Nurse Practitioner that UW Madison and our local hospital have joined together!
I almost clapped my hands!!
This will hopefully mean that we can just make the appointments we need in Madison without the hours on the phone trying to get referral letters from local doctors and insurance approval letters to take with us to our appointments!
AHHH! This will save me hours of work!!
After we were done at UW, we headed to Whole Foods to grab some lunch.
First, a little gallop around the parking garage!
There is our smiley girl back!!
Something about the produce section of Whole Foods!
I could just stand there looking around for a long time!
We started our lunch outside on a picnic table.
It was such a beautiful day!!
It didn’t take me long to realize that eating outside was not going to work!
It was very noisy as we were by the main road, breezy, and you could smell the exhaust of the cars going by if you sniffed really hard. Except for Eliza it was super duper loud, hurricane windy, and the smell of the exhaust was gagging her.
BUT – she had WORDS. Thank you therapy!! And she told us she could not handle where we were eating.
Our strong and brave sweet baby!!! SO, so proud of you!!
So we moved inside!
After lunch, it was back in the van for the two hour and forty-five minute drive home.
I forgot to take photos of our two sleeping cherubs!!
Sleep they did!!
Blake laughed at me about one hour into the trip home when I said “Ok, I’m done with this now.” He said I say it at the same spot on the way home every time!! Ooops!!
Even though it was a long day, it was a very good day, with very good stable reports for our two precious cherubs!!
We are SO thankful for the team of loving medical people we have to help us take care of Tate and Eliza!!
Praise the Lord, so glad to hear the two medical facilties have joined forces! Hope to see you sometime soon. Prayers and hugs.
Hugs to you too!!!! 💜
So glad to read good reports for both of them! And the hospital news could be life changing – seriously. The time spent on the phone is staggering sometimes.
Ahhhh, my ‘been there done that’ friend, yes, the time on the phone is staggering! If I had the time, I would be the advocate to change all this craziness a parent with a SN child goes through! I am hoping this merger will be the change we need. We are so blessed with excellent care….and we are thankful!!
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