Team Tate On The Road Again

One week ago today, Blake and I pulled two precious sleeping cherubs out of bed very early to get on the road and head to UW Madison for Tate’s appointment with his orthopedic surgeon.

My time in God’s Word that morning filled me with strength for the day ahead!

I just love so much how timely the Lord’s truth can be.

We were very thankful for a beautiful start to the day as we sat in the van on the driveway holding hands and praying over our day, the children’s day, Tate, and his appointment.

Sunrises are one of my favorite things!!

We had an uneventful trip to Madison.

We even had time to stop and buy Tate some new shoes!

The kiddos have been wearing their snow boots for months any time we go somewhere, and I did not realize Tate’s shoes had gotten WAY too small.

Once we were at the Health and Research Park Clinic where Tate’s surgeon sees patients, we checked Tate in and waited for his turn.

First up was new x-rays.

Tate has some sort of imaging at every single appoitment he has in Madison.

This day was easy though!

Only standing films and only two views!

Then we all had snacks while we waited for the doctor.

Pretty soon the doctor was with us, and Tate’s Baba and Mama were literally holding their breath.

Why do we do that?

My favorite part of the whole day was the smile on the doctor’s face as he said, “Tate is AMAZING! I would be hard pressed to intervene in any way at this point! See you in nine months!”

And then Blake and my breath filled that room as we exhaled!!

SO, so, SO good!!!!!

We thanked Tate’s surgeon, made Tate’s appointment for new films and to be checked again in nine months, and skipped out of there with the HUGEST smiles on our faces and in our hearts!

We debated where to go to lunch and decided on Whole Foods.

It was disappointing!

We wanted to eat off the hot bar, but it was not allergen friendly this time!

But we filled our bellies well enough, grabbed some coffee at Starbucks and got on the road to get back home.

Here was my view from the front seat about 20 minutes down the road!

And then again about 45 minutes down the road!

Our medical appointments with Tate and Eliza are getting easier in so many ways.

We know our way around Madison and the buildings that we frequent for appointments.

We know our doctors, nurses, and imaging technicians – and they remember us each time too – which is very comforting for us all!

Our appointments are fewer and less frequent as the months pass by, and for that we are SO thankful!

Tate and Eilza are medically fragile, yes.

Tate is called “complicated” and “complex” as well.

BUT – then we watch them.

We teach them school and watch them learn, grow, and thrive.

We watch them walk, run, skip, jump, play, swim, ride bikes, ride scooters, go potty with no accidents….and you all, WE THINK THEY ARE AMAZING TOO.

Rejoice with us!!!

For ALL the Lord is doing for our two precious cherubs!!