We had any early start of 7 a.m., which is not near as an early start as we sometimes have!
The ride there was uneventful, and as usual I was done sitting still after about one hour.
Of course we had to wear masks once inside the medical building.
We had practiced this with Tate since he has never worn one.
Maybe I should have practiced too since I have only worn one twice before.
He did great, and his Mama pulled his mask out from his nose often so he could get a deep breath of air.
Tate had new imaging taken first (five different views) and then we saw his surgeon.
UW Madison is a teaching hospital, which I LOVE – first of all because this surgeon really should tell someone everything he knows!
He is one of the top Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeons in the U.S.!
I also love the teaching because we get to listen to what the surgeon is teaching the residents while he is checking Tate over and measuring his new images!
The surgeon told us that he compares Tate’s new images to images he had two years ago (instead of the ones taken six months ago) because watching bones change is kind of like watching grass grow.
You look at your lawn on Monday and think it looks great.
Tuesday you look at your lawn and can tell it’s growing, but it still looks good.
Wednesday you look at your lawn and you see that it is growing, but think it can still wait.
Then Thursday you mow your lawn and when you are done you realize how badly it needed mowed!
Since there is a degree of error in measuring images, if the surgeon measures Tate’s curve and it’s 54 degrees, which is two degrees bigger than six months ago at 52 degrees – that degree of error would make him say those two measurements are the same.
But if next time it is 56 degrees and he looks back to this time when it was 54 degrees and says “well there is a degree of error, so it’s the same” – Tate is now four degrees different in one year, even with that degree of error.
Measuring with older images shows a more accurate picture of the progression of Tate’s severe scoliosis.
Hope this makes sense!
I am typing it here because I want to remember that he said this!
Tate is measuring the SAME as two years ago, and in the side view image of him standing he is standing STRAIGHTER than he was two years ago!!!
We were BEAMING!!
The surgeon said “Well, it would be hard to make Tate more perfect than he is….see you in one year!!”
I still cannot stop smiling!!
Blake and I told Tate that the Lord might allow Tate to live his whole life just the way the Lord made him – severe fused scoliosis and all!!
Of course we headed right to Starbucks to get treats – at Tate’s request!
Cheers to an amazing doctor’s appointment!!
We then headed to Costco to stock up on grocery!
It makes me giddy to stock up on grocery!!!
Blake bought me these dried apples – something I would never buy – and I love him for it!
They are yummy!!
By then it was time for some lunch, and Blake got us all some take out Chipotle at Tate’s request as well!
The ride back home was uneventful and it was a beautiful day!
We arrived home around 3 p.m., unloaded all that grocery, and jumped in the pool.
Medical days – even the ones with the BEST news – are exhausting – I’m here to tell ya!!
I guess you don’t need me to get crying in my eyes and tell you how AMAZING it is to be Tate’s Mom.
Or how MIRACULOUS it is to watch him run, jump, play, swim, bike, and THRIVE.
Well, here’s the tears.
But you guys – being Tate’s Mom IS amazing!!
We are not worthy.
We are SO thankful.
And we love him with every bit of our hearts.
Praise the Lord with us for this great report!!
Tate Owen, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Praise the Lord!!
Praise the Lord for he is Great and Mighty. So happy for you all! 💕
Thank you!!!
What wonderful and joyous news! Praise God for all He has done!!!
Yes! We are still praising Him!!!
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