The first appointment will be with sedation at 7 a.m., which gave us a 3:45 a.m. departure time!
We also spent a few hours in the local E.R. yesterday, as Tate was having pain in his head and acting very lethargic…..but an emergent CT scan showed that his shunt was all ok and well.
We covet any prayers for our precious smiley boy and our day today!
*For travel mercies to and from Madison
*That Tate’s spinal cord will NOT be tethered right now
*That we can build a good relationship with the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon whom we will meet today
*That sedation will go well, and Tate will recover quickly from it
*That Tate will be able to handle not being able to eat or drink until after his first appointment this morning
*That Blake and I will be able to be good listeners during this very busy day, and be able to process all that we will learn
Thank you for your prayers! Go before us, Lord Jesus, and make a way!
Praying Dear Friend.
Praying for you all.
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