We here at Twin Oaks are safe and healthy. SO thankful!
Yesterday the state of Wisconsin, in which we live, started a 24/7 Shelter in Place until April 24th.
Rather surreal.
Maybe it’s odd, but I cannot stop praising God for literally everything – even a pandemic that has turned this world upside down BUT could turn the hearts of SO many to Him.
May the Glory be Yours, Heavenly Father!!!
SO – what does quarantine look like for the Moschels?
If you have been here for even a second, you know we are homebodies.
Things have changed, yes, but not as drastically as it has for so many others.
See why it is so easy to praise God?!!
The weather for March has been mild for us Wisconsinites – so I started doing all the spring like things, of course!
Like making smoothies!
You know it’s smoothie season when there are bananas sitting on the school table to ripen.
Small house problems!
At the beginning of March I listed a lot of books on Amazon and started selling them.
I am pretty proud of this accomplishment!!
We have so many books that we no longer need (school) and others that I did not want to keep.
I was selling one book almost everyday – but now, for obvious reasons, I have not sold any in over a week.
We have been on a roll with our school days since January….thankful for that rhythm!!
Once quarantine started, I stayed up a little bit late on a Sunday night to re-make our schedule to include more and new activities.
God is blessing my efforts!
The kiddos love it!
Many things we did in the past are the same – including our Bible time of worship, memorization, a devotional and prayer.
I just stretched that time from 30 minutes to a full hour, as our focus right now needs to be here.
Narrations and illustrations are a big part of the children’s learning.
Science experiments are fun!
Brothers and friends!
I enjoy seeing Tate read….he always whispers the words he is reading.
This precious one did not even speak English four and a half years ago, and now he reads his Bible everyday!
This is nutrition class.
Teaching the children the “why” behind all that we do here!
Tate sitting cross-legged.
SO cute how he manages to do this!
So much I never want to forget!
Our cute school helper.
Ruby Jane is a constant blessing here!
We keep Twin Oaks running by doing daily chores.
Chores happen before school, after lunch, and then around dinner time.
SO thankful I have these systems in place!
Before the quarantine went into effect we were able to see our favorite people a lot!
Just look at all these adorable photos!!!!!
When you hang out with Kay, you get served yummy treats and yummy coffee!!
Here is all of us heading to Kay’s one day awhile back!
Grant was driving!
Pandemic or no pandemic – we are still eating around here.
Blake and I headed to the grocery store on a Friday night almost two weeks ago to get our weekly grocery – and WOWZA.
It was CRAZY town.
Can you see the line of people waiting to pay?
We were in a different line – for 45 MINUTES!
This past Friday I had Grant take me during the day, and we over flowed two carts to stock up for hopefully quite awhile.
The van was full from front to back!
So thankful!
I am loving being in the kitchen even more than usual!
We were in a food rut – but not anymore!
Funny what endless time at home will do for a gal, huh?
So…what have we been up to since the quarantine?
Church is at home now – but thankfully we have church leaders who are determined to keep everyone in contact and keep our church family connected!
We set up for a live stream service on Sunday – a small worship team and our Pastor were at church making that all happen for us!!
Clearly we know what we are doing here –
We got the video from the week before to play while we waited for church to start!
The live stream did not end up working – so we listened to it in podcast format in the evening instead.
SO grateful for our church leaders during this time – and all the time!
Before the 24/7 Shelter at Home went into place yesterday, we went to the park to get some wiggles out one evening.
I added a morning walk into our school schedule.
Tate told me that is his favorite new thing we are doing!
We are also sending out daily mail to people we know!
It has been super fun!
Chad got to ride with David while he worked on Monday.
They had a blast together as I am sure you already know!
I added a time where Lane, Tate and Eliza listen to Adventures in Odyssey (it’s free right now!) while I teach Chad his algebra!
They love it!
I am very thankful I have been able to get three months of mine, Tate’s, and Eliza’s daily medications.
I had some helpers while we waited in the long pharmacy drive-thru line that day!
This guy moved back in with us for the next month or so!
We are SO thankful he is here with us as we Shelter in Place.
After we all thought it was a different day one afternoon, I started writing the day and date on our white board!
It feels like ground hog day!
I went to print some fun things off the internet for the kiddos to do and saw this.
We always play games!
We still are playing games!
We also have been doing quite a bit of deep cleaning.
It’s almost spring and I love to deep clean for spring!
We subscribed to the Up Faith and Family Channel and have been watching some movies too.
This is a new thing for us – but there have been some rainy days where a movie has been a great blessing!
The libraries in our area closed over a week ago.
That has been HARD.
We LOVE to read, pick out books at the library, and just be at the library!
We miss it all.
Can’t wait to go back – hopefully SOON!
We always try to do what we know to stay healthy and keep our bodies strong!
This is even more important now.
Drinking bone broth is not only yummy but super good for you in so many ways!
It has been cloudy and rainy around here and it looks like we are in for a lot more of that this week.
Next week’s forecast looks amazing though!
Never a better time than this to stop and enjoy EVERY SINGLE THING the Lord set in creation for our pleasure!
The sky is just SO beautiful.
Blake and I celebrated another year of marriage on March 4th!
I pulled out this ancient photo taken not too long after we were married.
Who are these two young ones?!!!
So thankful that cute guy chose me!!!
I am sure I could ramble on and on about all the things that are rolling around in my head and heart…but I’ll spare you most of that!
Let me just say that we are praying safety, health, peace, unity, and joy over everyone, and that those who know the Lord would draw nearer to Him right now.
We are praying that He will use this time GREATLY so the ones who do not know God will know Him for the first time.
A spirit of fear is not of the Lord!
If you are living in fear right now you are missing out on the knowledge of the Sovereignty of the One who CREATED this whole world in the first place!
Get into God’s Word.
Read His promises!!
And let’s show this crazy world God’s glory through our response to this!
We will keep praying daily and we would love for you to join us!!
Loved this post! Been following for about a year now but never commented. Just wanted to say hello from California! I really enjoy following your homeschool and cooking adventures. God bless y’all! Enjoy the extra time with Grant!
Stacey, this is SO sweet!!! Thank you for your sweet words – they encouraged me so much! Thanks also for following along here – I do not take that lightly. We are loving having Grant here with us! God bless you all too!
I absolutely love your blog! It blesses me so much! The way you love your family, love our Lord, do fun things and have fun celebrations with those you love, enjoy making your home such a beautiful and inviting place, etc. You inspire me! Thank you for sharing your life with your blog readers! To God be the glory! May I request a blog topic? I would be SO interested in finding out where you get your recipes for the yummy, healthy foods you show us pictures of! Smoothies, soups, rice, ………you even make cooked veggies look delicious! 🙂 I would really like to cook healthy foods like you do, but dont know where to start. If you would like to share your wisdom in this area, I know I would soak it up!
Again, thank you for your blog! I enjoy it very much!
In the love of Jesus♡,
Gretchen from South Dakota
Gretchen, It’s pretty easy to get teary right now because of all that is going on – but these sweet comments have caused some tears! You have encouraged me so much with your words. Thank you! I pray over each post I write before I post it – for the Lord to hold me accountable that all my words are true – but also that He would use this tiny little space on the world wide web to encourage someone who reads here. Today I have answers to my prayers!! I have made a note of your blog topic suggestion – it is a good one! Hopefully with all this extra time at home I will be able to focus on this little blog of mine a bit more! God bless you!
I agree so much with what Gretchen said. You and your blog are always a beautiful source of peace, love, and joy to me. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with us. I second the request for recipes. Everything you make looks delicious and I would love to learn how to make healthy, delicious food like this.
Mary, thank you for your comment! You all are spurring me on ;0) I will be thinking about how to present a post about how we eat for sure! Blessings to you!!
Ok wowwwww!! Allll the food pics are 😋 😋😋
So very FUN to get a little snippet of life up there in jolly Wisconsin🤗 We miss y’all + wish you could be with us!😭
Anyways! Love yall❤️
We miss you all too!! Thought of you all day yesterday and Monday – as we would have been there :0( Love you all!
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