I agreed it look pretty bad and put some salve on it.
Pretty soon it was time to get the littles dressed for church.
As I took Eliza’s pjs off of her, I was asking how her bug bite was feeling now.
She said it was still itching, but the one on her forehead was itching worse.
It was as she finished those words that her pjs were totally over her head….and then I saw them.
And I knew right away.
She had the chicken pox!
We have no idea where she was exposed to them, and I felt SO bad that we had exposed all three of our grand babies to them the night before without knowing it.
It was a tough week for Eliza – but it could have been so much worse.
Sunday we snuggled a lot while she slept.
She only had about 10 pox that got big and full of puss, and only about 50 total pox in all.
The itching was still really bad!
We used benadryl twice a day to help, and also had Eliza soak in oatmeal baths – which she loved!
She would have times where she seemed fine, but lots of times that she really did not feel well too.
All of the other kiddos, except Addie Mae, have had the chicken pox.
I had shingles in the third trimester of my pregnancy with Addie Mae, and we think it is why she has never gotten them, even though her siblings have had them and she was exposed through them.
One day Eliza asked if I had any photos of when the other kiddos had chicken pox.
I was glad to show them to her!!
We cheered when we saw she was starting to scab!
There was one stubborn pox on her leg that just scabbed yesterday.
We do not know if Tate has had the chicken pox or not, and are wondering if he was actually vaccinated and it was lost in the translation of his paperwork from China.
He seems to have about three suspicious spots at this point – and he ran a fever for a whole day – but we just are not totally sure if he really has the pox or not!
We are hoping and praying that this truly is a super mild case and we will be done with all of this VERY SOON!
Time will tell!!
Until then we are staying home more than usual…but we certainly are not complaining about that!