We started the first week of June with Memorial Day.
Our librarian had asked us to walk in the Coon Valley Memorial Day parade with the library car, and we said SURE!
So Blake, myself, and our trio headed out early on Memorial Day morning to do just that!
Once we were back home, I made some simple picnic foods and then Kay’s joined us for dinner and some fun time playing outside!
It was a beautiful day that day!
Tuesday morning we felt like we needed to recoup from our fun weekend!
We all pretty much felt like Ruby Jane here –
But I got everyone up and moving anyway and we worked on our rhythm on Tuesday and Wednesday both.
We always, always, always do better when we keep our rhythm flowing!
Some kiddos more than others, but even me!
This next photo is just to remind me there is so much I never want to forget!
I printed off a United States map and quiz.
Guess who LOVED that?!
And got every single one right with only one misspelled word!
We have started visiting a different library for awhile because of road construction.
It was fun to browse a new place!
We have been having SO MUCH FUN in the kitchen these days!
Tate just wants to bake all the day long, and Eliza usually joins in on the fun!
Lane is our constant helper, but is usually off building something for his STEM class!
I wish I would have taken even more food pictures this week – but here is what I captured.
That week on Thursday evening our friends dropped off their two dogs for us to watch for four days.
Izzy and Freddie are SO adorable and just acted like they have always lived with us for their whole lives.
We were so sad to give them back!!
It is always nice to have a change in dynamics and have some big kiddos home!
We had some beautiful days that first week of June and spent a lot of time outside, even though it was too cold to swim.
Yes, they are trying to see how high they can get each other on the tree swing in this next photo.
And yes, we just had a tree swing break recently.
And yes, I am just sitting there watching and saying nothing.
Just making sure you are getting the full effect of this photo, ha, ha!
We finished off that great first week of June by hosting our grandson River’s 5th birthday party!!
Kay asked if we could host because they were without a kitchen!
They were doing a full kitchen remodel because unfortunately they had found some black mold.
We were THRILLED to host!!
It was a super fun party!!
We LOVE David’s family so very much and enjoy being with them!!
River shares a birthday with his Grandma Deb – which made it more fun!
River is the most joyful, enthusiastic, high energy five year old I know and I LOVE HIM TO PIECES!!
I think a good ending to this post is my signature – some sky photos.
How I love the sky!
I never tire of looking at it and just relishing in its beauty, do you?
What a wonderful week it was!!
Summer seems to barely be here and flying by all at the same time!
Our days are packed and yet some are slower – but it is all SO wonderful!
I just want to hold on so very tightly right now…life is so fragile!
I hope that it is easy to see the goodness of God in your daily life as well!!
Happy June, friends!!