I took Addie to the doctor and she got medication for an inner ear infection.
These guys here met their fate…..
and are now this!!
We all had chiropractor appointments, which we do for the health benefits. After Lane had his turn, he hopped up and said “I feel like I got a whole new head put on!” Which is true! We feel so good after our appointments!
Grandpa and Grandma Nettell visited, all the way from Illinois, and brought gifts for Eliza! (We forgot to get our group photo of us all together like we normally do! Or any other photos at all for that matter!) Aren’t those dresses the cutest thing ever?!
We also did a lot of normal things, but relished in them more than usual….
We kept up with the farm….
Made deliveries to our customers…..
Cleaned the whole house….
And finished packing all of this!
Kayla thought we should make you all play “I Spy” with the above photos! Can you believe all that stuff? Do you spy Grant? Do you spy our little dog Zoe? Do you spy one completely worn out Mama? No worries, Lane was refueling me!
In a very short time, all of that looked like this!
We are loading the van to head to the airport and then it will soon be time to say goodbye. The tears were flowing already last night. This part is not going to be easy. Please pray with us!
*For the children here at home
*For Eliza!
*For travel mercies
*For pain-free flying for Addie Mae because of her ear infection
*That ALL of my food will make it through the security checkpoints
*For our hearts as we say goodbye
*For health and a hedge of protection around us all
I know the Lord has gone before us and paved the way……this is going to be a journey beyond our imagination!
Look out China – here we come!!!!!
Your in our prayers and we can’t wait to read updates. 🙂
AHHH – I am speechless! Y’all are amazing and we are just so privileged to be lifting you guys up before the Throne of Grace ♥ Prayers going up and many blessings as you make some awesome memories!!!
We are praying!!
Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the the ends of the earth…
Isaiah 43:5-6
WOW – so excited for you all! Sending hugs and blessings!
Praying for you all!!!!!
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