The Meaning of Spring

Out of all the seasons, I think spring has the most meaning when it comes to how it affects our lives here on the farm! It is the time of the most change each year. The temperatures change, which means we spend several days putting away winter chore clothes, snow clothes, and just clothes. We then make sure everyone has what they need for spring and summer. It also means my “two pair of socks and slippers uniform” are gladly put away as well.


It also means the farm comes alive. Decisions about the farming season need to be made, the land and buildings need their spring cleaning, and the farm work needs to be started for the season. The only decision we have made this year about this farming season is that we will not be growing produce for Organic Valley this year. Yikes! We better get on the ball! I love seeing the farm come alive…..the animals seem to love it too!








And then there is the fact that we are close to being finished with our formal homeschooling for the year. This prompts some prayer, thought, and planning for the new school year in the fall. Blake and I have spent some time doing that lately, and I ordered some math and grammar workbooks that we will need come fall.


Probably the best part of spring is that two boys can get ALL their wiggles out, in this case with the help of their older brother. Yes, that is a hint of green grass!




Spring changes our meal plans too. We say “so long soup!” and “hello fresh food!” I love soup. In an addictive kind of way. But chopping and eating colorful, crunchy freshness is the best. The guys have fired up the grill several times already too. Yum. Ok, then. I am hungry!


Time for lunch!!


  1. Kirstin says:

    Delicious pictures… and I don’t just mean the last one of the vegi’s!!

    Can you tell us what is in the bottom left container in the picture? We don’t recognize it!

    • Steph says:

      Those are bleeding heart radishes! They were locally grown, and oh so yummy! Someone that was chopping all those veggies, who may look a lot like your friend, ate most of those radishes as she chopped, that is why that container only ended up half full ;0)

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