So many moments that take my breath away!
I was in awe just standing on the porch looking around.
First, I saw this as I walked outside with the camera.
Sweet Anaya.
Summer flowers.
Mia perked up when she heard the door open!
Our paddock is not only our goats summer home, but our laying hens as well.
Beauty. The heavens declare the glory of God!
One of our faithful mousers.
I actually think that is a mole. Because I found it later in front of the house.
They like to leave their prizes in front of the house.
Thank you very much, kitties.
The animals on pasture look so beautiful and healthy!
I have always loved starting my day on the porch.
Can you see why?!
It is a beautiful day here on the farm, after many days of rain!
Hope you all are having a beautiful day too!!