There Goes April!

I guess when you travel twice just 10 days apart, time flies faster than it normally does!

April flew by, did it not?

We took a “spring break” of sorts, but still had to visit the library to pick up our holds and fill our basket with books!

Spring break was NOT spring like weather wise, and so books were very needed!

We love books any time of the year though.

The library is also a very fun place to play for a little bit!

We also have rolled into more gentle school days as the weather gets more spring like – the three youngest ones are most definitely school seekers whether I “do school” or not!

Chad is finishing up his first year of high school and will be done very soon as well.

Gentle school days mean math and a whole bunch of reading!

I have the littles do narrations and illustrations too.

Fractions are always more fun when taught with peanut butter chocolate chip Lara bars, am I right?

After we got home from Indiana, Lane’s birthday was a day later.

Since we did not celebrate his birthday until the following weekend, we had a bit of a lunch celebration on his actual birthday!

After Lane’s birthday party was over that weekend, we let him stay up a bit late that night and build his new lego set!

There was some illness that rolled through our little nest after we returned from Indiana too.

Just really gunky colds is all, and I thought I was going to escape it completely – until I didn’t, that is!

The kids didn’t slow down that much when they were sick, but I don’t remember the bigger part of 24 hours, good grief!

I slept and slept and slept that sickness away, I guess!

SO very thankful for how quickly we were all back on our feet!

I usually put a full day in the kitchen most Saturdays, as that is just what life with celiac disease requires!

I took this photo on a Saturday morning after Eliza took a big spill off of her bike and landed on a galvanized tub in our garage.


Oils calmed her down, and a show on the lap top with no other noise around allowed her to reset herself for the rest of the day.

Praise the Lord she was not hurt!

We stayed home from church the Sunday after we were sick, based on the way we sounded, not on the way we felt!

Worship around the kitchen table is pretty high on my list of the BEST way to spend time together though.

Chad played the guitar for our singing time!

Someone might have had crying in her eyes.

The littles had an appointment for ultrasounds of their bladders and kidneys on the Monday afternoon before we left for Florida.

Eliza was having a tough morning, but we both sniffed some oils and rubbed them under her nose and down her spine and pretty soon she was giving me a thumbs up!!

They did GREAT at the appointment!

Tate told me these scans were “easy peasy!”

His results were not perfect though, but we are not changing his medication – just keeping with the routine of having another scan in six months.

It was while I was at this ultrasound appointment that Blake was buying tickets to Florida!

So after we were done at the hospital, I took my little helpers to grab a few things we needed for travel.

I thought you all would enjoy this photo of Blake and my new couch.

I mean where else do you sit to have a private conversation in this little nest?!

I think we were talking about our trip when I took this!

Tate was my special helper one morning as I ran to town to pick up our beef!

Do you all love a full freezer as much as I do?

What a blessing!!!

Remember that crazy snow storm here at Twin Oaks the day that we left for Florida?

This is a photo of the sky as that storm front rolled our way.

Addie went to visit the sweetest friend (who had broken her leg) that day, and ended up in a ditch on the way home.

My heart.

Thankfully our neighbor saw her there, stopped to pick her up, and then that same neighbor’s husband took his truck, Grant, and Addie back to get her car out!

Praise the Lord for such sweet friends!!

Addie was ok. Her car was mostly ok. Her Mama had to drink coffee and eat chocolate – but was then ok too!

Sadie and Ruby both have had appointments lately too, as we are trying the Lyme vaccine for them this year in hopes we can keep the ticks away.

My chest tightens every time I type or say the words Lyme disease.

I’m not kidding!

I hope the vaccine works, because it was not cheap!

They are worth it though! We love our pups so much.

When illness, weather, and traveling have not gotten in the way, we still visit Briar’s place (which is really called Shiloh Valley Farm) twice a week!!


This is what it looks like as we do drive away – so now you know WHY I never want to leave!!

Just look at them!!!

We overstayed our welcome last Thursday evening and made Kayla miss her grocery pick-up time! Ooops!!

The least I could do the next day was have the best morning ever by keeping some grand babies while she ran after those groceries!

I am sure you know how terrible this must have been, right?!

Our grand babies make our cup overflow!!!

How I love the photos of the every day stuff!!!

Like the boys filling the bird feeder!

The bird lady who lives here has rules about how long the bird feeder stays up in the spring.

This photo was my view from bed when I was not well.

Makes my heart pitter patter!

I love that man SO much!!!

I have been gathering books for summer, in hopes that I will have more time to be able to read them!

I couldn’t resist and already read this first one.

It was mercifully short just like the title says!

But very, very good!!

Eliza got this blanket as a gift from Addie for her birthday.

It is SUPER cute and FUN too!

Eliza and I have been working on putting it together – as long as her attention span allows!

We are about half way done now!

Now that vacation is over, I am back to cooking for a crowd!

Good thing I have cute helpers.

I told you I have been recreating my amazing Jamba Juice experience from the airport!

The secret ingredient?

Fresh ginger!

The night that Blake and I got home from Florida we all sat around the kitchen table for hours talking!

Chad just said the other day “Oh Boy, if this table could talk!!”

Ha, ha!!

This is what you look like when you have something you want to say when your parents have been gone five days but you cannot get a turn to speak!

Poor Lane!!

It warmed up enough to buy a watermelon!!

The first one of the season!

It was GOOD!!

Did you all have a nice Easter?


The sweetest friends invited us over for a meal and the afternoon, it was 78 degrees and sunny, and we had the best day with them!

Last, but of course not least, a photo off the deck – my specialty!!

What a beautiful morning it was though.

April was full!

Our May calendar looks full too!

Of many good, good things, Lord willing!!

The best of all the things is the changing of the seasons!!

Hello spring!

Come on summer!!

We are ready for you!


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