It’s been a season of crazy, crazy – hence this quiet space here on the world wide web!
I enjoy writing on this here blog about all the Lord does for us though – so I have missed doing so!
Life went from moving to Twin Oaks, to finishing the house, to emptying the semi, to the chicken pox times two, to a week at Family Camp, to another unexpected week away from home for me to be with my Mom.
Being away from these people I love was bittersweet for sure!
They all lined the porch as I drove away!
It just took me about 15 minutes to choose between the six photos I have of this scene, because they were all SUPER cute in their own way!
Kayla and Addie Mae kept the home fires burning while I was gone!
A trip to the library and to the Coop for a treat is always a hit!
The deck is one of our favorite places to be – for soccer or for dinner!
They also had cookie parties, because, well, because!
Addie would text me photos of all the yummy things she was making.
Pumpkin waffles for the win!
David and Kayla took the kiddos to a pumpkin patch one day!
I got to Skype with my people while I was gone – a balm to my soul!
It was good to be back HOME!
I got home just in time for the kiddos to spoil me for my birthday!
They are really good at it too!
Just look at those gifts and that homemade ICE CREAM!
While I was gone the house was finished!!
The showers were tiled – so from a construction stand point it was finished enough for the appraisal, which meant we could finally close!
We now are the proud owners of this sweet little place called Twin Oaks!
We have been busy with school every chance we get – which is my FAVORITE thing to be doing with these kiddos!
We also have been working on our new chore routines since we are in a new house!
I like to take the kiddos to the library too!
We have had LOTS – and I mean LOTS – of appointments since I have been home.
One was unexpected when Chad smashed his hand while unloading the semi last weekend.
The x-ray looked good, but there was a possibility of a hairline fracture, so the doctor put on a temporary cast.
She said Chad would know if it needed to be x-rayed again, because it would not stop hurting and he would still not be able to move it.
Within a couple of days our prayers were answered, and Chad’s hand was feeling better!
We are so thankful.
We missed our dentist appointments when the chicken pox arrived, so we have been making those up.
Unfortunately they could not get us all on the same day like our original appointments were.
This cutie pie was a trooper today!
It has been SO, so, so good to have some times with the grand babies too!!
It has been a whirlwind, yes!
There is still so much to be thankful for!
Gratitude is an attitude!
I have lots and lots more photos and some great medical reports to share.
Stay tuned!
Coming soon!