It has been a busy, busy week – with lots of running around!
I am so grateful to Kayla for her help this week when our schedules here at home did not coordinate!
It has been beautiful weather! So when big sis watched the youngest for me, there were long walks involved!
I am so sorry!! Yes, that is the back of Clyde’s head!
Will this help?!
You are welcome!
Speaking of Kayla’s help, she graded papers one morning and then cleaned up lunch while I got the littles down for their naps. So thankful for your help, Kay! And for that little man you bring with you when you visit us!!
We spent a lot of time outside as time allowed this week! Spring is AMAZING. One afternoon we drank frozen banana chocolate milkshakes on a blanket under the bright blue sky. Amazing I said!!
Chad had a growth check at the orthodontist the week before last.
He didn’t pass that check!
We have started the second phase of orthodontic care for this twelve year old boy. He had his first set of braces when he was nine! Chad inherited my teeth. And my gut. So sorry, Chad! So thankful he has his Dad’s personality!! They are two in a million!!
At least the orthodontist office is a neat place to be. Cause we will be going there more now!
How about some cute snap shots for this little scrapbook of mine? These kiddos are growing up so fast!
I bought this bumbo chair at the second hand store to have at our house for Clyde. Our teeny tiny Tate fits in it just fine too!
They were playing on their “puters!”
I have always loved Lane’s facial expressions – and they are many!
Love my little helpers! We had an early date night grocery run last night. It was so nice to have everyone’s help to put all the grocery away!
That warm weather that arrived last weekend was not easy on the littles. That may have to be another post for another time. It sent Tate’s mind back to last August when he arrived home, we believe. He has really, really struggled this week, my poor precious boy! Season changes bring struggles for Eliza also – with clothing, shoes, being outside in the grass and wind. Our sensory girl has struggled a lot this week too. Sweet baby! Tate did not like me being out of his sight – so we hung out together a lot!
I take way too many photos of the views off this ridge we call home – but I will only add one! We were heading to another farm after dinner one night and the sky was just SO beautiful – the blue, the sun, the rain, and the clouds all in one photo!
Hope you all had a great week! Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!
I love that you share your scrapbook with us! It’s wonderful to watch the kids grow and see adorable photos of my grand-nephew!
Yes, I was disappointed we were only going to see the back of his head–thank you, I feel much better now! Love to all!
Miss you sis!!! Love to all there too!!
Love all of the photos! So funny – my little two have started playing on pretend computers too. They will wiggle their fingers and tell me they’re typing, ha!
Thanks, Jennie! I know – Isn’t that cute!!
Love your scrapbook posts!! And love you all!! <3
Love you too, sweetheart!!