I apologize that I did not put a post here on the blog about the performance times.
Opening night was this past Friday night, and there was a second performance on Saturday night!
The MOST powerful story of God’s saving grace!!
I just do not know how to put this experience into words.
It has been a blessing beyond compare, and has had us on a high like no other!
We begged God to use it, for it to be ALL about Him, and that He would receive all the glory as well – and we feel He has answered every prayer we have said over these last months in such profound ways!
Sunday night we had our cast party, to finish up this blessed season with a bang!
There were 21 members of the cast, a backstage crew, and all their families.
The cast had us parents act out scene 1 of the play for them on Sunday night.
There was also pizza, ice cream and cake, and games that went on for hours!
When Chad said yes to this opportunity he was invited to participate in, we never imagined it would be what it ended up being!
Around 300 people saw this play, in a real theater, with sound, lights, lapel microphones, projection, and even a shadow drama!
It was SO well done!
All from an idea that a friend of ours had.
An idea.
Sweetest friends, thank you, thank you for inviting us to be a part of something so wonderful!!
We enjoyed every second!
We are still praying that the story is stirring the minds and hearts of those who saw the play!
This show was AWESOME! We are so very glad that we were able to come and watch it! They all did a great job!
Thank you!! And thank you for being there!!
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