Some of you know how much I love soup. It is just such a good, filling meal! I love to be in the kitchen (thank you, Lord!), and I love to make soup. Today was no exception.
Chopping veggies makes me happy. It is the best therapy around.
As I opened and added three containers of homemade stock to the veggies, I could hear those coughs and yucky noses running for the door!
Wish you could smell the air as I opened the lid to take this photo. YUM.
We have really been into chopped salads lately too. Chopped salad is just regular salad chopped. Clever, huh? It really isn’t about the size of the bites in the end….but the flavors you chop. This one has five heads of romaine, two apples, a handful of dried cranberries, a handful of sliced almonds (roasted and caramelized first!), red onion, crisp bacon, and shredded non-dairy cheese.
Then I added a homemade dressing that I made and shook in a canning jar. That’s when it became delicious!
We also had sliced oranges and apple cinnamon mini muffins. And it was ALL gone in about 9.2 minutes. SNIFF.
Now that you know we are working hard to bond with Eliza (see Friday’s post), and also still eating meals, here are some other things that are happening around here!
David and Kayla bought a “new to them” car!! This photo is courtesy of Grant, who was their chaperone that evening.
Since their engagement two weeks ago, wedding plans have been flying along. IT IS SO MUCH FUN!
Here is what is lined up so far:
* The wedding party (who are all the brothers and sisters of the bride and groom, including Lane and Eliza!)
* The wedding dress is ordered
* The bridesmaid dresses are bought
* The musicians
* The event coordinator
* The florist
* The photographer
AND we have solid plans in mind for the rest!
David and Kayla also put an application in for a two bedroom little place to rent in Coon Valley, about five minutes from the farm. It is in this really neat historical old brick building that has been divided into little places to rent!
The Lord has blessed all our efforts tremendously! We are just SO excited for them both as they start their lives together!!!
The wedding photographer just pulled in to the farm as I type, and will be staying with us for a couple of days. David and Kayla are all ready for their engagement photo shoot that is just about to start!
Hope you all have had a great weekend too!!!!
I love reading the updates but you made me hungry! Do you mind sharing a few things (here or in an email)?
1. What is your homemade dressing recipe?
2. What are the food allergies you deal with or foods you don’t eat at your house?
Sure! First the dressing:
3/4 cup olive oil (I use extra virgin, cold pressed)
3 TBSP Dijon mustard (I actually used Koops stone ground)
3 TBSP pure maple syrup
1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
large pinch of salt and pepper
Shake in a jar. Will keep nicely in fridge. Is DELICIOUS.
I have celiac disease and was diagnosed in 2006. We did not put Chad through the testing (he was 2 then), but we (and our GI doctor) think he has it too. Lane was born with “leaky gut syndrome” in 2008. We keep our house completely gluten-free to keep me and the boys safe. The boys and I have other different trigger foods that affect us, but we avoid them for everyone, for the most part. They are dairy, soy, yeast, eggs, corn, and white potato. My doctor also took me off of all grains in 2012 (even gluten-free ones – it was life changing for my health!), and I also avoid nightshades, but the rest of the family still eats gluten-free grains and nightshades. Basically we do not eat packaged foods at all. ;0) But we eat OH SO YUMMY!
ahhh!!! so much happiness!! I’m sure you are all having an amaaaazing time with hannah there! the previews I saw of their engagement shoot look marvelous! so beautiful!!
can’t wait to see y’all in a few weeks! And excited for the wedding!!
much love to you all!!
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