I have good intentions for all things like blogging.
Returning e-mails.
Returning texts.
Life is FULL, but these things are important!
So my goal will be to get this stuff on our schedule and get it done!
Hopefully that will mean more posts here soon!
Our winter days have been a lot like this – FOGGY.
With some serious ice on the ground before it melted this week!
Where did you go Mr. Sunshine?
We have been spending a lot of time at home, and saying a lot of prayers over the ones who have to venture out to get to work.
Speaking of the ones who venture out to get to work – I think I forgot to mention here on the blog that we have grown by one!
Kayla’s sweet friend Hannah has moved in with us!
To save you from counting – yes, the boys still out-number the girls!
Hannah has been a blessed addition to our family, and has actually survived three weeks with us now!
I have been sick with an upper respiratory infection since Thanksgiving, and it got worse on Christmas Day.
Two weeks ago it all came to a head, and because of some added severe back pain I ended up in the E.R. for several hours.
SO, so much I could share about all the blessings in that….but, let me just say that I was in bed for five full days, three of which I really do not remember.
Tate came to me this weekend, climbed in my lap, and with tears in his eyes told me how my being that sick scared him and how much he missed me.
This is SUCH a praise that he could verbalize this!
Of course a photo of one means a photo of the other!
“MOM!! Take a pic-a-ture me!”
After being sick for so long, things like cuddling in bed with a sweet baby has ALL new meaning!
We have been doing a lot of reading aloud these long foggy, icy days!
The kiddos love to listen, and I love to read to them!
Tate is usually with me. Asking his 50,000 questions!
One of those questions was “Why are Daddy’s clothes always so squiggily?”
We have been having a lot of BIG circle days!
Eliza and I both LOVE big circle days!
Especially when dinner goes right into playing cards!
Friday it was just the littles and I here most of the day!
I loved the change in dynamics!
And the easy lunch prep!
Blake traveled this last week, so yesterday morning was pretty special for everyone to see him again!
Tate loves morning cuddles.
And is our early bird on Saturdays when everyone else chooses to sleep in!
Isn’t he so teeny tiny?!
BUT, he is growing!!
Clyde and some of his people hung out with us on Saturday!
I got to use BOTH of these high chairs for lunch time!
I have been on a baking binge!
It just suits the weather!
This whole weekend we locked Blake in the office!
Because….tax season!
They are finished and all ready to go to our tax advisor! YAY!
The kiddos have been playing so nicely!
They do not seem as stir crazy as their Mama after being cooped up so much!
We did make it down the hill to get Eliza’s haircut!
We love her little haircut!
Caught this sweet moment.
These moments are never lost on me.
Here’s another one!
Our sweet cherubs!
How I love them.
So….about that health trial.
One more thing.
God was doing some of His pruning.
Check out His word….John 15.
He got my attention BIG time.
And I have NEVER felt SO renewed.
Grant stood at my bed one of those days I don’t remember so well.
I do remember seeing him there, sobbing.
He was wishing his Mama didn’t have to endure so much when it comes to all things health.
What a blessing to be able to visually SEE God’s purpose in it!!
It has strengthened Grant’s faith too.
I think 2017 started off GREAT.
And the best is yet to come!!!
Have a great start to your week, everyone!!