We usually do that every Friday night while on date night!
We set some lofty goals for the progress of Twin Oaks, and set loftier goals for that semi that was being delivered – but we also set the most important goal too – the one where we keep our kiddos hearts through all of the hard work that was being asked of them.
That meant working together with joy, but also having some fun things planned for the weekend too!
Saturday night was the biggest chance of rain, so we decided to have a movie night that night!
We stopped working at dinner time, got everyone showered and bathed, popped popcorn, made chunky monkeys and then all watched a movie together.
Such a super sweet time.
Memories in the making!
Sunday night we decided to surprise the kiddos with dinner over a bon fire!
We were really still working – because I had a huge pile of papers that needed burned!
It was our first fire at Twin Oaks!
Even if it was rather hodge podge!
It was a beautiful night!
The kiddos had a blast!
Monday night we surprised the kiddos with a drive over to a lake that is right near our new home.
I have a feeling, now that we have seen this beautiful place, that we will go there often!
Chad threw for Sadie and she went for a swim!
It was pretty overcast, but still a beautiful evening!
It is always SO cute how much the kids thank us for these very simple things!!
We had as much fun as they did!
We are collecting these moments….and hanging on TIGHT.