In every way!
First of all, it was 88 degrees here on the ridge!
That is pretty rare for us in the month of May!
And it was beautifully blue and sunny!!
Addie Mae ran out to capture this photo! So gorgeous!
We started our day with the arrival of the roof painters.
The kiddos were at the windows (while we worked on getting ready to head out to Tate and Eliza’s second therapy evaluation) waving to the painters about every two minutes. They loved the boom truck!
We hired them to paint the steel roof on the house, and the steel roof on the barn.
We hope this investment will help the farm have more appeal to a potential buyer.
Here is the barn before –
Here is what they finished yesterday –
Doesn’t it look amazing so far!!
Here they are working on the house –
Here the house is finished –
Hoping the weather holds as they finish up the barn tomorrow!
Our therapy evaluation yesterday went very well! I sounds like both Tate and Eliza are in need of therapy services and that we will qualify! I do not have the official word on that yet, so time will tell. We are so thankful for the team of people involved in this aspect of their care!
When we finished at the elementary school, we headed back to Kayla’s, because I had dropped the middle boys off there. We enjoyed lunch together!!
Then big sis and Lane had a plan for a treat! They made banana ice cream!
It is one of the kids’ favorite treats, and Kayla would make it for the kids when they were younger while Blake and I were out on date night.
It is a one ingredient recipe – frozen bananas run through the juicer with the blank screen on. So yummy!
We added some homemade chocolate sauce!
After some much needed naps back at the farm, the littles played in water for hours!
Pretty soon everyone was home from work, Clyde and his people had arrived as well, and we were sitting around the fire having dinner!
The first fire of the season!!! Such a blast!
My sides hurt this morning we laughed so much!! Here’s to many more!!
Thursday had been a beautiful day too!! For the sake of my little scrapbook, I will add these photos!
I love being outside playing with the kiddos in the afternoons!
The kids helped me make these popsicles too! We made a giant mess – but it was super fun and the results are super yummy!
It has been such a busy week!
Sitting around a fire together last night was just what we needed!
I should have taken a photo of the kitchen this morning though!!
We have a busy weekend as well – but looking forward to it very much!
Have a Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Enjoy the weekend everyone!!